Initial Disclosures
Disclose information necessary to your case.
After both sides have filed their petitions, both sides must file their initial disclosures. These are required disclosures that both sides must fully reveal in order to fairly litigate the divorce.

Document Overview
Initial disclosures ensure that both you and your spouse have access to information that is relevant to both sides in your divorce case. The information in these legal documents consists of evidence that will be presented at trial, such as witnesses and their contact information, your financial information and other evidence. Initial disclosures are critical. Failing to disclose them may lead to you being prevented from presenting your full case to the court.
In Utah, there is a timeline for initial disclosure that must be followed. If you are the plaintiff, you must provide your initial disclosure for your divorce paperwork within 14 days of receiving the defendant’s answer to your divorce petition. If you are the defendant, you have more time — either 28 or 42 days, depending on the circumstances of the case. If you’re unsure, err on the side of sooner, rather than later.
Examples of the types of information you are required to disclose include a list of witnesses you plan to call and what you expect them to say, emails, text messages, physical documents and physical items. Anything you plan to use in court to advance your case must be shared with the other side.
With a divorce petition, you must also file financial paperwork. Most divorces involve decisions or rulings about money, including financial support, child support, bank accounts, debts and division of assets.
This part of the divorce can be very frustrating and confusing for people. Lawpal makes the process simple by automating it. All you need to do is input the information and we’ll handle the rest, by creating the legal document that is ready for you to print and submit to the courts.
Get peace of mind knowing your initial disclosure is correct — use Lawpal for all your legal document templates.
Disclosure Process

Answer a Series of Questions
Answer simple questions and disclose relevant information. Come and go as you like, we’ll always save your progress!
Purchase & Print Disclosures
Once your documents have been generated, review and print.
Send to Spouse
Once you have completed initial disclosures, they must be sent to the other side via mail.
Receive Spouse’s Disclosures
You and your lawyer will wait to receive your spouse’s disclosures, which will be sent before the hearing.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does this process take?
The time it takes to complete your petition varies depending on certain factors, but it should take between 20 minutes and an hour.
How soon do I have to send initial disclosures?
If you are the petitioner, you must send your initial disclosures to your spouse 2 weeks after they file their response to your petition. If you’re the Respondent, you must file your initial disclosures 42 days after you file your Answer.
How do I send initial disclosures?
Initial disclosures can be sent via mail, personal delivery or even email. They will most likely contain sensitive information so please ensure that the initial disclosures are not sent in such a way that would violate your privacy or that of any individual within your disclosures.
Where can I get a Financial Declaration?
You can find a financial declaration for free at the following web address: https://www.utcourts.gov/howto/family/financial_declaration/